Thank you!

On Friday, after collecting as many words as we could, in a wide variety of languages, meaning "thank you" we wrote acrostic poems reflecting the things we are grateful for. We created one shared one before a number of us had a go at writing our own, some of which are shared here. 

Despite all the challenges and difficulties many of us face, everyone was able to identify multiple things for which we are thankful. 

Today, gathering together
Having the breath of life
Another safe day
Nice food on the table
Knowing I'm allowed to stay in the UK
Freedom offered by good health
Unity through friendship
Love form my Stories family


Today's life, I live another day
Happy that nothing bad happened
A wonderful family like Hope
Nice and helpful friends
Knowing so many things from Hope
Year is going to finish which was so bad
One another chance to move on
Unexpected love from people

* Hope = Stories of Hope and Home


Guiding my road
Rough ones ahead
Aspiring to change
Coming to terms that
I may fall again
As I see my reflection
Shining away


Grounded friends
Repeating mistakes
And learning from them
Chance of life
Inspired by people
Aware of my blessings
Surprised by my future


Ambitious all the time
Patience for my tough times
Practice my daily care for my dad
Relaxing times, safety
Energy I've got from God to continue
Craving for the future
Illuminate my path towards my goals
Affirm my position in a new country
Taste of life goes up and down
Inspiring life from others
Opportunity to come to join my dad
Nostalgia moments make me smile


Every day is a blessing
Never give up
Overflow of joy
United together as a community
Working towards my freedom
Always be thankful for the breath of life
Lonely this Christmas without my family ... but I have a community to celebrate with
You are blessed by the grace of God


This time today
Happy days
Able to laugh
Nice drinks on each table
Kind people at Stories
Friends together
Understanding more English
Life is beautiful


Great moments with friends
Renewed by his grace
Ahead of myself
Circumstances I may change
Inspired by people
And moments of happiness
Spiritual growing
